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Listen to Your Body: Peri/Menopause and Gym Performance

June 4, 2024


It was 8 years and multiple Doctors visits before I was diagnosed as peri-menopausal. I thought my symptoms were unrelated. They included a gum infection (I lost 4 teeth), anxiety, fatigue, allergies, brain fog, body aches, low libido and insomnia. There are still needless barriers to diagnosis, and they can lead to improper treatments and seriously impact a woman’s quality of life. Its 2024, how did we get here?

In recent weeks we invited Menopause Alliance Australia to run an educational workshop in our gym. We have coached many women aged 40 plus that refer to themselves as ’lazy’ and ‘too old’ before considering their hormones might be the culprit and that they do have treatment options. Many health and fitness trainers lack the training to support women experiencing the wide array of symptoms.

It’s no accident that there is a massive wellness industry targeting distressed and frustrated middle-aged women who aren’t getting adequate support from mainstream health providers.

Early in 2023, a National Women’s Health Advisory Council appointed by Federal Assistant Minister Ged Kearney began to tackle ‘medical misogyny’, as “women disproportionately experience delayed diagnosis, over prescribing, and a failure to properly investigate symptoms”.(1)

It helps that the Assistant Minister is a strong advocate, speaking on ABC Weekend Breakfast she explained “I had a terrible experience with peri-menopause and nearly gave up my job”.(2) She knows firsthand that women and women’s issues need to be listened to and taken seriously.

Given women’s experiences, it’s not a stretch to imagine that Trans-men and non-binary people with ovaries who experience menopause struggle even more to find appropriate service delivery or diagnosis. Similarly, documentation of the experience of menopause in Australian Aboriginal women is scarce.(3)

I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I eventually met a doctor who is an advocate for better education, diagnosis and funding for women’s health.

With a Senate Inquiry underway, its good news that this and other women’s health issues are finally being taken seriously. However, it will take time, funding and education before women who are surveyed report a significant shift in their experience of health care.

In the meantime, don’t be afraid to actively seek out a service that is willing and able to provide you with the latest information, quality of service and care you are entitled to receive. Listen to your body and find someone who listens to you.

Useful Resources:

(1) Department of Health and Aged Care. (2024, March 10) Television interview
with Assistant Minister Kearney on ABC Radio

(2) Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney (@gedkearney). [2024, March 12]
Speaking about Menopause on ABC Breakfast [Video] Instagram.

(3) Menopause Alliance Australia
Retrieved 2024, 4 June from

Fitness Revolution in Bassendean welcomes everybody but specialises in the over 40’s in a fun and safe environment. Learn more about our personal and group training.

Founder/Director Nicky McKimmie

  • B.A (Anthropology)
  • Fitness Australia – Level 2 Exercise Professional
  • Nutrition Coach: Precision Nutrition Level One & Two Certified
  • Australian Weightlifting Federation – Level 1 Coach
  • Pre & Post Natal (Exercise in the Child Bearing Year)

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