“I should change, but I’ve tried and failed.” Does this sound familiar? Often, changing habits does seem insurmountable. Many of us simply don’t have enough motivation to change our habits – all of our bad habits – in a way that would truly affect our health. We cling to them because we see them...
Benefits Of Water To The Body
Health benefits of water Water is crucial to your health. Every system in your body depends on water. Your lungs expel between two and four cups of water each day through normal breathing – even more on a cold day. If your feet sweat, there goes another cup of water. If you make half a dozen trips...
Sugar: The Rollercoaster Ride & How To Get Off
While off the shelf food can be convenient, there is a growing awareness that a lack of nutrient filled fresh wholefoods coupled with mass consumption of refined sugars can have a major effect on our physical, mental and emotional health. Fast food chains now appear in almost every suburb,...

Popular Weight Loss Supplements – Are They Safe?
Recently WA man Matthew Whitby used two of what he thought were safe and regulated weight loss supplements but ended up with liver failure and an emergency transplant. We have many consumer protection laws and agencies in Australia so on face value it seems reasonable to expect that if a product...

Setting Goals – The Key To Success
Are you forever setting health and well-being goals and not achieving them? If so, you are one of the many people we see each day who are trapped in a cycle and often express feelings of despair, dis-empowerment and desperation. Its usually at that point that we can be vulnerable to impulse buying...

How The Right Kind of Exercise Can Keep You Young
Did you know that our metabolic rate (body’s energy expenditure) starts to decline after the age of 25? How many times have you heard ‘I used to be able to get away with this or that’? Now you know why. But don’t despair, you can prevent the dreaded ‘middle age spread’ and stay young on the inside...

How to Lose Weight Through Stress Management
Stress – Why It Inhibits Weight Loss Did you know that if your stress levels are frequently high your body gets the message that due to your high stress environment you need to preserve energy for emergencies, creating an obstacle to weight loss? To lose unwanted weight and keep it off, we need to...

Our Top Tips on How to Survive the Day When You’re Sleep Deprived
Stay Hydrated Even mild dehydration can affect mental focus so don’t add that on top of sleep deprivation. Keep water handy and aim to finish a bottle or two. Caffeine Coffee is fine but try not to overuse it, you’ll be wired and snappy and it’ll affect your blood pressure, attention span and too...