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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – What Is It?

In the early stages of a new exercise regime almost everyone will experience DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, and everyone around them will hear about it until it subsides. We often talk about DOMS so you know what to expect and don’t convince yourself that all Personal Trainers are sadists....

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Squat Technique & Knee Injury Management

Knee injuries are very common and are often worsened by or even a result of bad exercise technique. Having experienced years of knee rehabilitation, I’m very conscious of perfect technique when training my clients and want to share some of these cues with you so you can keep your knees in tip top...

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Stupid Diet & Exercise Gimmicks I’ve Tried Part 5

Stupid Diet & Exercise Gimmicks I’ve Tried Part 5

I’ve written a few articles about stupid diets I’ve done, but how about an exercise gimmick I’ve fallen for. Back in the mid 1990’s the latest fat busting gizmo all over the infomercials was a revolutionary new device that was going to give me flat sexy abs in just 3 minutes a day. I did a double...

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No More Long Boring Cardio

Have you ever entered a gym to see all the cardio equipment (treadmills/bikes/elliptical) completely chockers with people cruising for long periods of time and maybe even reading a magazine? Few people know that short periods of high intensity training (HIT) will burn significantly more fat and...

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Running Mistakes…. Don’t Do What I Did

For me it was a great way to clear my mind after sitting all day at a desk. It helped me to de-stress and improve my health. At the time I had a desk job but developed a passion for exercise. One day I went out running and felt a pain in my knee. I’d previously had a knee reconstruction after a...

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Stupid Diets & Exercise Gimmicks I’ve Tried – Part 4

In my view, this was another stupid diet which I did when I didn’t know any better and wanted a quick fix. I’m not talking protein shakes for weight training; I’m talking about meal replacement shakes. Firstly, I’m not discrediting meal replacement shakes altogether, as I’ve seen them work for...

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Why A Plank Is Hard-Core – Pun Intended

The truth is that fat loss comes from a whole body workout and a healthy diet, and sit ups are one of the least effective core exercises to choose from. Sit-ups target only a few muscles at once, imagine how long and inefficient a workout would be if you worked every muscle individually. This is...

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The Benefits of Unilateral Exercises

The Benefits of Unilateral Exercises

A unilateral exercise is where you would use one side or one limb like a ‘step up’ and a bilateral exercise would be a ‘squat’ where both feet work together. Balance Doing a single leg or arm exercise requires much more balance as it has a smaller base of support. This means that more stabilising...

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How to Get Stronger Legs by Using the Box Squat

If you’re looking at changing up your Back Squat routine then try adding in some Box Squats. These can be done with a Barbell on your shoulders or if you find that’s too much or your shoulders and upper back are tight and you can’t grab the barbell, then go for a kettlebell or dumbbell. Advantages...

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The Best Exercise for Weight Loss

The Best Exercise for Weight Loss

Have you seen loads of articles that claim to know one particular ‘magic’ exercise that will help you lose weight like no other? Truth bomb – it’s a gimmick. The only exercise that will help you lose weight is the one that you do consistently, as a lifestyle. That’s why a great fitness routine is...

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