Caz is a goal setting champion, but it wasn’t always this way.
She is like anyone else, she’s had her highs and her lows.
So we thought we’d ask her how she made her breakthrough that transitioned her from 20kgs overweight and stressed out to a lifestyle of regular exercise and a sustainable healthy body weight.
‘’Caz, what was your tipping point?
I had been diagnosed for anxiety and was on medication. I read an article that said exercise and healthy eating can improve mental health. That same day your Semi-Private post popped up on my Facebook.
Did you go straight into regular exercise and healthy eating or was it a journey?
It was definitely a journey, I was doing the Semi’s twice per week with the nutrition talk. The weekly goals that were set helped me focus. In the beginning it was never about weight loss, it was about getting off the medication. The weight loss was a bonus.
What did you commit to in the beginning?
I committed to two sessions per week and healthy eating.
Was there a time you felt like giving up?
No. I started small and slowly built up. I didn’t put myself under stress. I had to focus on what worked for me and take it slow. The main focus was on my diet. The classes were a great social outlet and I looked forward to them.
What was healthy eating for you?
I followed your Precision Nutrition Coaching quite strictly for the first six weeks. I only ate starchy carbs like rice or bread after a workout. Added in more vegetables and increased my protein. Lots of fresh colourful foods and lots of salad. Breakfast was usually an omelette or a scramble. Either that or plain yoghurt and fruit, a lighter breakfast for non-workout days.
After the first six weeks I added in another session and had a bit more starchy carbs in my diet.
When I lost all the weight I was able to add in more regular starchy carbs and eat them in most meals.
Did you reduce your alcohol intake?
Yes I used to drink while I cooked dinner, but focusing on better eating meant I busy preparing myself healthy meals and less distracted by wine. Working out in the morning was easier if I hadn’t drunk the night before so I didn’t want to do it anymore.
Nicky and Ange gave me homework such as food diaries and the accountability helped.\
I would allow myself to have a couple of drinks on one night on the weekend and had a rule that I could only drink with friends and would drive so this limited my intake and ensured I didn’t drink at home alone.
Did you have protein smoothies?
I added them in a few months later when I got a blender for Christmas. It added another easy breakfast option of protein and fruit/vege.
Did you ever feel like you were on a diet?
No. I felt like I was told not to exclude anything but focus more on adding in better choices and choosing to have treats consciously and without regrets. I never felt hungry or deprived, I just felt better.
What kept you going?
I started to see results. I felt good in myself and my energy levels had increased. I was being a better parent.
What would be the key piece of advice you would give to someone who is struggling with staying on track?
Don’t be hard on yourself. Be realistic. Find and be ok with what works for you, it’s your journey.
Create a supportive environment and keep temptation out of the house. If the kids want treats, try making them healthier alternatives such as low/no sugar sweets or veggies and dips. My kids learnt to love eating different healthy snacks. For me I knew that if I had to weigh my food, exercise in large groups or cook complex recipes I wouldn’t be able to stick to it. So I did small group training and learnt hand portioning. I found simple yummy recipes and began to enjoy food. Set yourself a non-negotiable doable daily or weekly exercise and/or nutrition goal with an endpoint. Get support.
Did you get off your medication?
Yes I did, exactly 12 months later. I still sometimes get anxiety but I have better coping skills and I have a better understanding of my body. I know when I’m stressed and what I need to do, I feel empowered.
Interview by:
Coach Nicky McKimmie
- B.A (Anthropology)
- Fitness Australia – Level 2 Exercise Professional
- Nutrition Coach: Precision Nutrition Level One & Two Certified
- Australian Weightlifting Federation – Level 1 Coach
- Pre & Post Natal (Exercise in the Child Bearing Year)