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5 Hot Tips: Finding Your Inner Coach For An Awesome Workout!

June 8, 2019

On Saturday, when instructing the Belmont HBF advanced group I watched the amazing participants, many of them regular clients; push themselves hard throughout the whole session without complaint.

I left that session to coach a Personal Training client who had only just started her fitness journey. Her session wasn’t easy as I wanted to test her strength and fitness levels. Just like the advanced group she pushed through and impressed me beyond my expectations.

I am frequently inspired by the determination and commitment of many of my clients, regardless of their fitness level. However, it can be hard to stay focused when all alone, you can’t have an inspirational group class or Personal Trainer with you at all times.

So how do you stay on track and work our hard when alone?

Tip 1 – Find Someone Who Inspires You

After being so inspired by my clients that morning I was feeling on top of the world ready for my own workout. I didn’t have a coach to push me; I had to be my own coach. I drew on the inspiration from everyone I had trained that morning who never gave up.

Is there someone in your life you look up to that never gives up? It doesn’t have to be an athlete, but someone no matter what they are doing in life; they give 100% of what they have? You have that same potential inside of you, remember their example and tap into it.

Tip 2 – Write Down Your Workout

I wrote down what I planned on doing. If you just wing it, you’ll never work as hard as you should. If you’re feeling a bit tired in a PT or group session, you don’t cut it short, the coach keeps pushing you to keep going. So when on your own, you need to make sure you tick off your list. Of course you can modify bits and pieces if you over or under prescribed your exercises.

Tip 3 – Music

A good sound track can inspire you to work significantly harder – that is a fact. I’m quite a sensitive person and have been known to have a tear in my eye when moved, so for me, music is very motivational.

One year I participated in the MS Step Up in Perth and had my iPod with me. When at the start line, one of the officials said, ‘What do you need an iPod for, you’ll only get through 3 or 4 songs?’ So that meant I needed THE MOST motivational 4 songs I could find. I have my workout songs I love and if I hear them on the radio during the day, I get fired up and want to get out and exercise.

Tip 4 – Find a Mantra

I’m big on mantras, if you don’t know what a mantra is, it’s something you repeat to yourself over and over. If you know anyone who’s quite negative they’ll continuously tell themselves something like ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘the world is a horrible place’ until they eventually believe it. So why not use this power to your benefit? Find something that resonates with you and whenever you’re pushing through an exercise repeat it to yourself to ensure your mind doesn’t give up before your body. One of my favourite mantras is ‘Every day I’m getting stronger and stronger’. Find what works for you and use it. For lasting change we need to condition our bodies and our minds too.

Tip 5 – Get Primal

Now I don’t mean make ape sounds and climb trees. I do mean – breathe deep and if you feel the need, grunt, yell, swear. Now obviously this isn’t always suitable in a group environment although you should always be breathing deeply and audibly and encouraging your team mates.

When either Nicky or I work out we have a conversation with ourselves, we shout words of excitement when we reach our goals, high five ourselves, cheer ourselves on in difficult moments etc. Whatever comes naturally to you and helps you push your boundaries and release stress.

A great Personal Trainer can help you to learn to tap into your own strengths, so when they aren’t around you can dig deep, tune into your inner coach and get started! Go to it and get primal folks…

Angela Gawthorne Mobile Personal Training Specialist Fitness Revolution

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